Install on Heroku

Heroku is a platform as a service (PAAS) provider. Flowcelltool can be installed into their free plan option with a few clicks. This is the easiest installation option and for trying out Flowceltool with minimal effort.


Create a (free) account on Heroku and log into the account.


Click on the following button to start the installation.

Deploy to Heroku

You will be directed to the Heroku website.

Fill in the name for your Flowcelltool installation and click on the “Deploy App” button.

Deploy to Heroku

Wait until the installation is complete.

An administration user root will be automatically created with a random password. You can lookup the automatically generated password now.

  • Click “Manage App” button displayed after successful installation in a new tab.
  • Go to “Settings”
  • Click “Reveal Config Vars”
  • The password for the root user is stored in the FLOWCELLTOOL_INITIAL_ROOT_PASSWORD config variable.
  • Copy that password into the clipboard.
  • Click on the “Open app” button on the top.
  • Log in with user root and the password from the clipboard.

Continuing From Here

Now, continue with the Getting Started guide or read on Email sending and LDAP authentication in Configure Advanced Features.