Welcome to Flowcelltool’s documentation!

Flowcelltool is a Django web application for the management of Illumina flow cells. The documentation is split into three parts (accessible through the navigation on the left):

Installation & Getting Started
Instructions for the installation of the web application and its deployment
This section contains the user documentation
Project Info
More information on the project, including the changelog, list of contributing authors, and contribution instructions.


  • Python 3
  • Django 1.10
  • PostgreSQL


  • Graphical management of flow cells and libraries
  • Automated generation of bcl2fastq (both v1.x and v2.x) sample sheets
  • Authentication via LDAP/ActiveDirectory or local users
  • Easily deployable to Heroku/Flynn.io/Docker (12 factor app), follows Two Scoops of Python best pratice

The Project repository can be found on Github.com.